Are you plagued by water damage in the Port Royal community of Naples, FL, and need a qualified repair provider? Reach out to Innovative Construction Solutions for a suitable, affordable, and thoroughly professional team willing to work on your behalf to return your home to worthy condition.

Water Damage Repair in Port Royal, Naples, FLDamage from flooding, plumbing issues, or leaking roofs or windows must be resolved quickly. The longer water exposure occurs, the greater the resulting damage.

When a water issue occurs, call us as soon as possible. We must do whatever is necessary to handle the problem and mitigate the destruction that results. Recovering from a water incident requires more effort than you might imagine. In addition to water removal, the team will need to dry the space, remove damaged materials, and then return the property to the appropriate shape.

Innovative Construction Solutions can assist with every step of the process, but one. We do not perform mold abatement. We will suggest a provider and repair the area once the mold abatement specialists remove the mold.

Ideally, we can remove the water and dry the area before mold can grow. Unfortunately, mold can begin to grow in less than two days. You must call us immediately to limit the work and expense involved with bouncing back from a water disaster—no matter the scope.

Mold isn’t the only problem that can result from water exposure; structural damage is another. Innovative Construction Solutions can correct water damage of any level with professionalism and expertise.

Mold and structural damage are dangers associated with water damage, but electricity risks also occur. Make sure that you cut the power before entering a flooded area. Call the power company directly if you can’t reach the breaker box.

Precautions must be taken against contaminants like bacteria, mold, chemicals, and other toxins that could be present and growing within flooding. Appropriate protective clothing and other PPE are essential to these efforts.

Innovative Construction Solutions offers solutions for water damage that will save you quite a bit financially. If you allow the damage to continue, the costs to repair will grow in kind. Handling the situation as quickly as possible is essential, but prevention through regular inspections for strength and durability is the absolute ideal.

The inspections and remediation efforts we can provide will help keep or return your home to a top-tier condition in the face of water issues, whether from nature, plumbing, or breaks in the building enclosure.

Catalog of Services from Innovative Construction Solutions:

  • Remediation Services
    • Window and roof leaks
    • Water management
    • A/C performance evaluation (system performance testing, air leak evaluation, infrared thermal imaging diagnostics, insulation inspection, ductwork inspection)
    • Air leaks
    • Systems testing (A/C performance testing and evaluation, roofing and tile evaluation)
    • Building envelope analysis (water and air infiltration testing, blower-door depressurization, infrared thermography, moisture mapping, temperature, and humidity readings, roof surveys, evaluation of mechanical systems, construction defect investigation)
  • Construction Services
    • Waterproofing
    • Water and door installation
    • Roofing

Click here or call (239) 384-5890 if you’re seeking water damage repair in the Port Royal area of Naples, FL. As a subsidiary of BCB Homes, we stand by our reputation for excellence and continue this legacy through expertise, dedication, and advanced technology.