When the dog days of summer put your A/C to the test in Bonita Springs, FL, make sure that it’s up to the task through air conditioning performance testing from Innovative Construction Solutions.
Performance testing of the entire HVAC system will demonstrate both the status of the system’s operative abilities as well as its capacity. At Innovative Construction Solutions, we use the most appropriate testing methods for the individual system. Let’s review the basics of evaluating an air conditioning system.
Just as a health physical evaluates various body systems, the air conditioning system evaluation also checks out multiple smaller components.
Airflow Testing – If the controlled air created by your system can’t flow properly through the house, the system will not work to its best potential. For an air conditioning system to work well, the cooled air needs to spread throughout the house, and untreated air needs to return to the system to be treated. We’ll conduct a comprehensive review of all parameters of airflow within your home to identify problems and solutions.
Energy Efficiency Testing – Testing the efficiency of the air conditioning system determines how much energy is required to adequately cool the home. Greater efficiency equals less energy used and lower utility costs.
Static Pressure Testing – An appropriately functioning A/C system should be able to force a specific air volume, but certain conditions can cause high static pressure. These conditions include poor ductwork installation, system design, and filters. When high static occurs, the A/C system can have all sorts of problems including noise, uneven heating and cooling, and entire system failure.
Zone Pressure Testing – This testing can evaluate the effectiveness of the building envelope and diagnose issues relative to air flow.
Blower Door Testing – Another test regarding efficiency, air flow, and peak effectiveness of the system, this examination will identify areas where energy is lost through gaps in the building envelope – roof, attic, crawlspace, walls, and duct system.
Ductwork Testing – Fundamental to the success of your A/C system, the ductwork evaluation can tell if you have any leaks or obstructions in the design or the materials. These flaws can seriously degrade the functionality of your air conditioning.
Advantages of Performance Testing
Finding Problems within the System – A performance evaluation can spot potential and existing problems with the air conditioning and heating system. Finding these issues as early as possible will allow you to fix them as easily and affordably as possible.
Things to Remember Regarding A/C Performance Testing
Testing Prior to Adjustments of the System – Quality performance evaluations are important before making changes to the system. Slight changes can affect how well the A/C works for a short while, affecting the accuracy of an evaluation, so make sure that evaluations happen BEFORE changes.
Hiring Professionals for Testing – It’s important to rely on professionals like those at Innovative Construction Solutions for testing. We have the right tools, skills, and experience to choose the right tests and equipment for your system. If we do identify issues, we can provide remediation as well. Count on our team to provide peak A/C performance when it counts.
Click here to book air conditioning performance testing in Bonita Springs, FL, from Innovative Construction Solutions. You can also reach out to us by calling (239) 384-5890 if you have questions about any of our services.